miércoles, 5 de mayo de 2010

Why Rich Communication Suite?

Since the emergence of Social Networks, communications are changing day to day. Nowadays, the operators are thinking on integrate SN communications into their services. But, this is the best model to evolve the communications?

This is the question that some of us are thinking about. From my point of view, both fix and mobile operators should analyze the strategy to evolve their offer to a rich communication environment offering the functionality demanded by the customer.

Next Generation Networks, based on IMS technology is the selection to offer new communication services. The Converged operators have deployed a basic common IMS core to evolve the core network. This is a basic infrastructure that covers the first step of evolving to network, but operators should analyze the possibility to launch services over that network.

RCS is planned to be the first commercial services for residential over this networks. RCS include different functionality that enriches user communication based mainly in presence status and enriched address book.

But there is a long way to be success in this new environment. The success of the RCS initiative depends on the commitment by the operator, service usability and the adoption by the customers.

What should be the next step?


